Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

You know what’s awesome about life? It never stops changing. Do you see that in your life patterns? Say you are content doing something for a while, even competent, and then you become bored or restless and next thing you know you’re looking for something new and exciting to keep your attention. Sometimes that search for excitement gets misdirected and that would be represented by the less productive patterns in our lives. However, writing down your goals and following them up with an action list of things to do, you then begin to form a positive growth pattern which leads you to new and exciting opportunities to grow, expand, express and fulfill your passions in life. Take for instance, deciding to change jobs. What in the world would possess someone to drop a steady income in this economy just because they are unhappy or bored? Growth does. We are human "becomings" and the only way to satisfy that feeling inside often identified as unhappiness is to spread our wings and try something new - we don't just want to be, we want to become. Maybe trying the new is a scary proposition. That’s okay because there’s something more powerful in your heart and head that is telling you that you can make it happen if you’ll just push fear aside and go for it. When our conscious mind connects with what your subconscious already knows—that you can do ______(fill in the blank)__ and you’ll succeed in spades—you cannot fail! This new adventure you’re dying to try could just be your “thang” and it will satisfy your need for growth right now.

In life we never "ARRIVE". We just continue to grow. As you begin the next section of your journey your vision will come into focus real quick: you'll either love what you’re doing and run with it or you'll realize that something is missing, growth is still needed and you'll seek out further opportunities to satisfy the void. When your conscious mind connects with what your subconscious has known all along you will begin to live up to the contribution your true potential is capable of making. A lot of words, I know. But it's true. It's our potential that drives us to be better, strive for more and never be satisfied being static. For me this happens every six months or so. I love whatever new project I'm working on and then I feel discontent--another way of saying I need to grow-- I move forward always tweaking my vision and finding a new direction to challenge my comfort zone. In other words I become comfortable with being uncomfortable doing something new, unfamiliar and exciting until I grow competent. Then I press on with something else I find new, exciting and challenging. Is it time for you to grow? You can’t fail, you can only learn and grow!

- T.

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Our philosophy at Fitness LEVEL 10 is that everyone has the potential to be a great leader. First we must feel great and then we can lead others by our example.

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