Let go of the nut!
One method scientists have used to capture monkeys in the wild without harming them is to place small boxes beneath their trees. Each box contained some of the monkeys’ favorite nuts to lure the monkeys into the trap.
When all was clear, the monkeys would come down from the trees to examine the boxes. They’d spy the nuts in the bottom of the box and reach in to get them through a small hole in the top that was just big enough to get their hand through but small enough that they couldn’t pull their little fists out with the nut inside.
Suddenly alarmed by the converging men they would shriek and scramble about but curiously would not let go of the nut to escape to freedom.
So it is with us. We eat what we want and whenever we want thinking there’s no harm in what we are doing but then we find ourselves suddenly in a precarious, even dangerous situation, wishing we hadn’t allowed ourselves to be caught and exposed by being oversize. Being overweight can be scary, unpleasant, uncomfortable and alarming (it was for me!).
Here’s a question: Why do you fight against letting go of the foods that got you here in the first place? Why not release our death grip on poor eating habits allowing yourself the chance to change into the person you know you could be?
I hear ladies say, “I’m not as committed as you”. “I never finish what I start”. “I don’t have that kind of will power”. To those comments I say, let go of the nut! You CAN be committed (let’s face it, we’re women and once we set our minds on something it WILL happen!). You CAN finish what you start when you write down your intentions, goals and follow-up with action steps. Tip: Give your weight goal to someone whom you respect. Once you put it out there, you’ll keep your word because no one wants to say they’ll do something and then look foolish for not following through. We have our integrity! And you most certainly DO have that kind of willpower if you’ll let go of the excuses and stop digging your heels in to change. Change is good. It creates growth. It gives us perspective.
Here’s how to overcome this losing battle of deprecating self-talk….STOP. That’s right. Just stop. Eat what you need—that is, foods that will help you reach your goals. It’s not about what you can’t have, it’s about eating what you need. You need healthy, fresh, vitamin enriched foods. You need lean meats. You need a few complex-carbs. You wouldn’t deny your child their needs, right. Don’t deny yourself what your body needs. Let go of the nut and set yourself free!