Dear, Looking For Answers
If you are serious about feeling better, more energetic, balancing your hormones and staying that way, I’d like to introduce you to your new hormonal fat-loss diet which will open doors to health and wellness for the rest of your life. Let me caution you first, there will be foods that come into your home that you will be tempted to eat because old habits die hard. Clear your cupboards of all foods not on your new eating plan. And then don’t buy them—if you buy it, you will eat it. I promise you that if you will dedicate yourself to making the important nutritional changes outlined in this book, you will no longer suffer fatigue and hormonal imbalances but rather you will prepare yourself to live a happy, healthy life. Your family will be your biggest supporters if you ask them to be—communicate your needs to them—they want your success and happiness more than anything!
When you buy your groceries, you will have to avoid temptations of buying the types of foods that pulled you down in the first place. These “anchors” make you feel lethargic and tired and cause you to look puffy and waterlogged. Not a good look for someone as amazing as you! You have daily opportunities to be an example to others and will be their mentor if you practice mental toughness and see this journey through to the end. There will be good days and bad days but in the end you will have a story to tell and they will look to you for leadership.
There’s one more thing I need to tell you. You won’t be perfect (wipe your brow and say, “whew!”). Being perfect is not your goal. Your goal is to become 1% better every day. In a year you can actually be 365% better than you are today. Does that mean you’ll be perfect? No. There will be challenges along the way always room for improvement. At first, probably every minute for the first 21 days (it takes 21 days to create a new habit). Feel free to take every day, every challenge, one minute at a time. In the beginning you may have to adopt a mantra for yourself and repeat it every single minute like, “today, I’m going to eat for better health.” Or, “today, I’m going to eat for the sake of proving to myself I can do it.” Or, “right now, I’m only hungry for foods that will make me happy”. Whatever self-talk you adopt, keep it meaningful and positive.
You’re in eating school right now and you are learning how to eat to make your body happy. When you feel well, you sleep well, you act well, you serve well, you study well, you work well, you play well, you exercise well, you love well, you lead well and you live well. So today is the first day becoming the person you were meant to become. Happiness is your goal. You are here to succeed. You have a new tool in your toolbox to help you get there. It is through conquering your weaknesses that you become strong. Stay positive even if you fall into old eating patterns for a meal--get your mind right and do better the next day. You can do this!
P.S. I didn’t write the book--the geniuses Drs. Jade and Keoni Teta wrote this book with the unprecedented support and input from their devoted help-meets Jill Coleman Teta and Dr. Jillian Sarno Teta. I don’t need to reinvent the wheel. I am the motivator. If you want a workout, I’m there to see you get the best Metabolic Effect workout ever and talk you through it until you reach a triumphantly, energetic new you.