I just wanted you to know that today - June 23 - I didn't want to come to the workout. My son was sick...and I wasn't feeling the best...and and and....I had a list of excuses. I'm not sure why your mind tries so hard to convince you to not do something you KNOW you should do. Or is it just laziness...it's easier to do nothing than something.

Anyway...after I left - I was so glad I came today. I loved the rock, paper, scissors game. NOT because it was the easiest thing we did today - although that was nice - but I enjoyed "playing" with a new friend. And laughing WAS fun. I feel so competitive and want to be the "best" student and yet...am not and don't want to feel jealous of these "other" women....but playing made these workout partners less threatening and more like teammates. Does that make sense? I was reinvigorated after I left today. What a great workout. Thanks for working us hard!

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