Rule with an iron fist!

Talking about portion sizes here people. When you go out to a restaurant and you order a salad as the main meal, what do get? A salad to feed 3 people at least, right? I’m not trying to pick on salads but I have many clients who are frustrated about the lack of progress in a fat-loss program claiming they eat salads and wonder why the weight isn’t coming off. Eating salads is great when using your fist as a guide. (Please apply the contents of this article to all of your meals.)

Your fist is approx. the same size as YOUR stomach. [People tell me, “well, my fist is larger than yours” and I say, “Your fist is in proportion to your stomach and is the perfect measuring tool for your portion sizes.”] Which means that when having a portion of protein, a portion of vegetables and a portion of complex-carbs for lunch or dinner you are eating food amounts three times the size of your stomach and that’s plenty!

Visualize with me: Suppose we have a chef salad in front of us, I would take three handfuls out of the bowl (with cleans hands, of course)—handfuls of food that are completely concealed within the fingers—and place them on a plate. That’s a serving for lunch or dinner. Now we’re not really going to be sticking our hands in our food in public, however, if you can visualize what a portion looks like, you will most likely not over eat. And if you’re doing this eating thing right, you will be eating AGAIN in just two hours so be ready and plan ahead for that.

Tip: Your goal is to fill the void, every two hours, to avert the old habit of gorging at meal time. And when you’re done eating excuse yourself from the table so you’re not tempted to have seconds or thirds!

The Damsel In Dis Dress  – (April 27, 2010 at 10:44 PM)  

Found you on MMB. Cool blog! I'll be back!

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